Give Your Fans a…FAN!
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Clever, no? OK, more like cheesy. Yes, agreed. 🙂 Obviously your guests are more than just GUESTS, they’re your biggest cheerleaders in life: your friends, family, former teachers and coaches and Girl Scout cookie-selling buddies and teammates and co-workers. People came for more than a free meal — they came to support you!
So I thought that the idea of FANS for programs was not only AWESOME, it was very ironic! Talk about multi-tasking brilliance:Â inform your fans of the program, give them some entertainment, AND keep them cool all at once! I am a HUGE fan of multi-tasking — I prescribe by Alton Brown’s theory that ‘The only uni-tasker in the kitchen is a fire extinguisher.’Â Multi-tasking is a woman’s best friend, and start off your multi-tasking life with giving your fans one at your Big Day.
So enough blabbing…show us some fans already! OK, here’s a little bit of inspiration — and these are totally DIY-friendly, but I’ll get into that below…
SUPER cool! You can design your program yourself or talk to a stationary maker, print shop or friend who’s Photo Shop/In Design savvy about designing your programs for you. Print them on cardstock — either two individual pages, OR check into printing two sides onto one long piece of cardstock, such as an 11×14…fold in half and secure around the handle. Super easy!
For another FUN idea, check out this DIY project over at www.intimateweddings.com. Here’s the link:  http://www.intimateweddings.com/blog/easy-diy-wedding-programs-tutorial/
Amanda made her wedding program fans and shows you how — but here’s the beyond-awesome-thing that she did with hers:Â She put games on the back! Crossword puzzles, Mad Libs, word searches…attaching a golf pencil for the guests to use…what a FUN idea! She shows you how she made hers…here’s a pic from her page:
These are AWESOME ideas — talk about a fun twist on wedding programs!
‘Til Next Time…I am finding the CUTEST stuff to share with you!
Kati Hime, Editor
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