Wedding Wednesday — Torrington Wedding!
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It’s time for another Wedding Wednesday spotlight! Every Wednesday, we spotlight a gorgeous series of wedding or engagement photos. If you’d like to be our next Wedding Wednesday spotlight, just holler — email brides@wyomingweddingsonline.com. Photographers and couples alike may respond — if you’re a couple, we’ll need to make sure we have the blessing of your photographer to post the photos and give them full credit.
Enough with the legal spiel, onto the wedding pics you say? I agree! Today we have a GORGEOUS couple from Torrington, WY — Jose and Lacy Gonzalez, and their amazing photographer, Jamie Beightol of A Thousand Words Photography by Jamie (in Torrington) took some really FUN shots!
I love the look of the movie theater…kind of like the circus themes that we’re seeing, a touch of vintage/retro love and definitely a great place to explore with B&W as well as color…
That same awesomeness in color…
Love the way Jamie experimented with theme…
Lovely Lacy…
I LOVE the story behind the pics above here of Lacy, and the ones to follow… If you live in Torrington (or have been there recently), there is a little area of charming purple flowers across from one of the grocery stores. My kids picked up on it right away when we were there recently — it’s just too pretty to miss off the side of the road. Jamie took advantage of that little patch, creating some beautiful moments out of an eye-catching, simple patch of purple flowers. “They looked at me like I was crazy,” Jamie says. “But I promised them it would be GORGEOUS.” I think it definitely is — now THAT’S photographic ingenuity, in my opinion!
And one more…my absolute favorite…
Thanks Lacy & Jose for sharing your memories with us — and to Jamie of A Thousand Words Photography by Jamie in Torrington for letting us showcase your remarkable talents! Congrats!
‘Til Next Time…I’m excited to feature YOU as our next Wedding Wednesday! If you haven’t registered your engagement with us yet, we’ll be giving away a set of our travel bags to a couple from our engagement registration list! Click here for our engagement form!
Kati Hime, Editor
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