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INSPIRATION: Organized Planning


OUR SISTER PUBLICATIONS:  Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine Wyovore WYO XY The Wyoming Woman

You probably read the title and laughed out loud, right? I would have too had someone posted this when I was planning our wedding. While you probably have found some tools for organization (a binder, folder system, etc.), I would suggest you create one more crucial tool of organization when planning your wedding — a wedding niche.

Depending upon the size of your home, creating a dedicated space just for your planning may be difficult. If you can’t dedicate a portion of a spare room, the living room, etc., that’s okay! Be creative and you can find all sorts of solutions.

I use this idea (loosely) when working from home. I say loosely because with kids, it’s hard to keep completely focused in one area of the home. An article I’m working on and the notes for it may migrate with me from the office area to the bathroom when the kids are taking a bath so I can be near them yet still write; or sometimes it migrates with  me into the kitchen so I can write while dinner is cooking. (Gotta love laptops!) So keep in mind that I’m no star example here by any means…

But here’s my advice — use a card table in the corner of a room that can stay in mid-stream on a portion of planning (such as holding your catering notes while you’re settling on who you’ll hire), or a TV tray can work nicely too. Something that is relatively mobile and can be easily picked up and moved to the couch for working, then moved back to the corner when you’re through is very helpful.

Is that still more space than you have available? Then try a large basket (laundry baskets work great for keeping your things together!), or even just a large box. Move the basket/box to your living room when you’re ready to work, and then pack it all up again when you’re done and put it in a place out of the way. Keep the items that you’re working on currently at the top, so that they’re easily accessible when someone returns your call or you are ready to pick it up again.

Within your box/basket, or on your little mobile table/tray, developing a system for shuffling papers is essential. Manila envelopes work well, as do folders that are in a binder. Have one for bills that need to be paid; one for bills that have been paid; small flyers and business cards from your vendors can fit well in another one. Three hole punch contract copies and put them all together in a three ring binder, where they can be easily accessed the week of your wedding. (Put someone in charge of keeping an eye on this extremely valuable piece of information!) As you pay bills, move them from the ‘to be paid’ folder/envelope to the ‘paid’ folder/envelope.

Be sure to pick up a copy of our guide, because we have a planning page for you to enter all the contact info of your vendors! This is priceless!

Why is having a dedicated space, table, basket/box such a valuable organizational tool? Because planning a wedding can be overwhelming — as many of you know. If you have wedding planning information spread throughout your home, it’s hard to #1 stay focused and on task, and #2 to keep the information from floating away, especially when you need it. Being organized with a dedicated location will help you find the information that you need, quickly.

In addition, having a dedicated space that is put aside/away when you’re done for the day helps you clear your head. It can make the overwhelming task of wedding planning feel less so when you’re not staring at it in the kitchen, the dining room at dinner time, or in your bedroom at night. You can clear the mental cobwebs, and rejuvenate before heading back to the work of planning the next day. Successful business owners have these same strategies for their home office — many designers recommend a dedicated home work space with a door that closes; the work stays out of the family time areas and places designed for relaxation (such as bathroom or bedroom), and the  individual can rest and relax with less stress staring them in the face.

It may seem like a trivial thing, but allowing yourself a little daily R&R is essential to wedding planning. Your emotional batteries will stay more fully charged when you give yourself time to breathe. The more you do, the less you’ll need — 20 minutes every day to read, watch a movie, shop, exercise, meditate, take a bubble bath, play an instrument or create art or craft…whatever it is you do that’s therapeutic for you, allow yourself time to enjoy without guilt. You are taking time for you — and that will make you a more focused and dedicated planner! Removing the stress visually can help you relax, enjoy and bring it back to start for the next day.

Keep plugging along, and remember to breathe! You can do it — and we’re here to help! If you have a question that we can help with, please contact us at!

‘Til next time…

Kati Hime, Editor


OUR SISTER PUBLICATIONS:  Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine Wyovore WYO XY The Wyoming Woman

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